
Picnic !

Hey hooo!! What's up all? I miss my "blogging time" soooo much!! :D
I'm currently in Jakarta until 23 February. Couldn't be more happy!!
But still, i can't go to the blogger's meet up because i had this family gathering last sunday huhuu.
Yesterday, i met some of my old friends (aka my best friends ever!) : Jn, Nia, and Mike. We really had a great time together and i hopes i can hang out with them before Mike back to Yogyakarta.
Btw, as always, i forget to bring my memory card reader with me. So, i can't post my new pictures till i get back to Melb. But, i still have some of my pictures in Melbourne. This picture taken when i had a picnic with some friends in a park. We ate sandwiches, a nice chit chat and play around. So much fun! (Even though the weather is really terrible, it was so HOT!)

I can't believe i have 55 followers! I know, i've been a bad blogger, i rarely do blogwalkin and reply your comment. But, i will try my best to keep updating!
Last thing, i'm still waiting for my result this semester, please pray for me. :)
PS. For JN, thx for following my blog and hopes this -oh finally a new- post will keep you following me! <3


  1. akhirnya kaka posting juga :) keren ka tempatnya.

  2. hahaha iya nehh maaf yahh uda lama gk postingg hehee :)

  3. iya :D . itu acara yang blogger meet up, acara nya di buat sama siapa ?.

  4. eergh are sure that's aussie? seems so hot there. Di indo juga panas banget nih sekarang huhu. Anyways, i didn't join the meet up too dev. Kalo sabtu besok mau ketemuan lagi bisa ga?

  5. happy you are posting again,that's a great outfit !

  6. Me encanta tu chaquetita =D.

    Un Beso,, Lauura's Place.

  7. woww nice photoshoot!! i love the way you look with the rattan hat on! aaahh sayang bgt ga bisa ikutan blogger meet up. ayuk ayuk sini kita arrange lg jd bisa ketemu2 mumpung lg pada balik ke indo hahahah

  8. @rimma: hmm, binun jg yah ak siapa yg buat hehe, tp coba cek di glister & blister bwat update2 nya deh ehehehe :D
    @ eva: iya lagi summer va, kdg2 bisa panas bgt smpe 40! boleh2 syg, tp ntr kita contact2 lgi yahh :D
    @ febrina: thx sygg!! asikkk, ayuk bgett!!

  9. Deviii..maaaf baru sempet komen balik..kerjaan jd jurnalis biki aku jarang online :((..liat twitter aja jarang..huhu
    kapan ada waktu kosong?rabu depan kosong gaa?ktmuan yuuk..mumpung pas aku lg dapet jatah libur :D..

    anw,,nice photoshoo!! you look great there :)

  10. congrats on the followers love !
    i love this picnic look of yours ! the hat, sunnies, and jacket are great combos ;D

    btw . kapan balik indo ??
    let's meet up darl !

  11. sorry yahh wktu di indo, internet lelet banget jadi jarang buka blog and twitter :( sorry yah jd gk bisa bertemuuuu huhuhu

  12. yeayyy..great!!
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  15. nice outfit.. I'm loving it.. gonna try this one :)
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