Sorry for looks so stupid, haha. Btw, how was your new year? :D
I went to Sensation in New Year Eve, a big party in Melbourne. It was so crowded, every one should wear white clothes, that's why the theme is "Ocean of White".
I will post the picture later!
This month has been a very tough one for me. I have exams from 27-30 January and especially because i begin this new year with troubles. A lot of troubles.
Just like my title, not a good beginning. I really regret it.
Its actually about my personal life, something changed. It feels so different.
It's actually me that change a lot here, but it follows with other changes in my life. The domino effect. I hate myself for these. I hate myself for being such a bad person.
I hope it won't ruined my mood to study, i don't want to make my parents disappointed with me, i already disappointed my closest person. I hope i can fix it.
Let's just skip my sad story haha.
I bought myself some new stuff in Boxing Day (26 Dec).
Boxing day is when every shop in Melbourne and Australia have a huge discount!
So i bought a hat, a lot of new accessories, shoes, bag and clothes.

My new born baby shoes! yayy!

I can't post all of my new baby here, because i haven't wear them :)
Oh ya, i'm going back to Jakarta :D 31 Jan - 23 Feb save the date for me! :)
Oh ya, Fika from
Sweet Escape tag me in self reflection question. But i think i'll do it later, i'm really in a bad mood. I don't want to write " i hate myself" 8 times haha.
Wish for a better day today and tomorrow!
Love ya!