
Rockin Kid'

Helloo there, how was your weekend? I went to Lasalle and had a presentation as a last project. I also watched "Punk in Love". It was a good movie, eventhough the sounds effect is not really good. Here are some pictures for you =)

And as a final project, we should make a brand with all others stuff and make a presentation.
This is my brand called Underneath, a bra's brand.
I hope i can show you the video presentation later.

Me, Joy, My teacher, and Gloria

I'm sure you all have heard about Jakarta Bom Blast, right? May all the victims rest in peace. We all one united, Let's together we fight this terrorism.


  1. niceee.. you can tell this is a alexa chung inspired look, from the stripes to the skirt all the way to the bag

    nice blog!!


  2. @inbert: thxx darlsss ;)
    @febrina: awww very kindd of youh!
    @dynamite socks: ouwhh, ya i just realised it! haha i remebered that alexa wore stripes with a black skirt right? so, you are one of alexa chung fans too? hehehe. nice to know you sweet!

  3. suka bgt sma gaya km :) btw aku hbis baca Easy Step to Make Statement Necklace di gogirl web. itu nama pita warnanya apa yyaa? belinya dmn biasa? pnginnn :( kren sekalii sih km !! :) sama assorted beads nya aku ga tau bli dmn... hmmm

  4. @ ribby: pita warna yg apa yh say?yg item? kalo yg item itu pita suede gitu tp pake pita item juga bisa koq hehe. kalo assorted beads nya itu aku c beli di pasar baru toko renda gitu hehe, tapi kalo gk salah aku pernah liad di TGA Senci dhe km cek aja hehe. Aww, Thx bgt yah saiankk... :)
    @festivania: it's Jii by Gloria. thx btw sweetheartt

  5. the skirt is really nice!!!!!!

  6. hey hey hey, itu tasnya beli di ciciero bukan say? SupperLikes your outfit posts ;D

  7. iya bebihh itu beli di ciciero, hehe. thx yahhh xxx'
